Wednesday, November 03, 2004

No cute pictures today.

Just a moment to reflect on the fact that Holden will spend the next four years in a country led from a place of bigotry, ignorance, and closemindedness. Rather than demonstrate complacency, let me say here in writing that I, and Holden's Daddy, vow to make every effort to get INVOLVED in challenging the right wing machine that runs this state...and seemingly, the rest of the country.

At least Kobach lost. That's something, right?


At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm here for cute babies, not a reminder of the horribly wrong things out there, like ugly babies.
more pictures of cute babies please, because deep down, the world is really just one giant cute baby.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger KL said...

You're so right. My bad. Cuteness to follow...

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Not Scott said...

Ciela started crying when Kerry gave his concession speech. She hasn't stopped since.


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