*except to give a ringing endorsement to this bath chair to any newer moms out there...
The madcap and sometimes touching adventures of a wee beige girl, a slightly less wee beige boy, and their crazy liberal parents...
Subcategory: The Mommy-Learn-How-to-Focus-the-Damn-Camera Look
The I'm-an-Academic Look
As many of you know, Holden's growth is measured in garden gnome units (much as the height of race horses is measured in 'hands'). At 2 weeks old, Holden was a mere 2/3 of a gnome. But at almost 7 months, he checks in at: ONE AND A QUARTER GNOMES!!! Keep up the good work, little boy, keep up the good work!
Well, taskmasters that Maneesh and I are, we ALREADY have Holden practicing his musical skills.